Rifiuti e Bonifiche

Events and news

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Logo Life



  • Tyrec4Life - Abstract of the Final Report (pdf ;435 KB)
    The European Project Tyrec4Life, that has been started in 2011, has been concluded in September 2015. The abstract of the Final Report of the project is published.
  • LIFE program - Environment and Action for the Climate - Infoday - Turin, July 11 th 2016 (pdf 940 KB)
    LIFE is the European program that finances projects for the environment and for the climate: the objective principals are to favor the passage to a sustainable and resilient economy to the climatic changes, to contribute to the protection and the improvement of the environment,to preserve the biodiversity.
    Monday July 11 th 2016, in the Head Office of Industrial Union in Turin, Via Vela 21, in occasion of the Infoday Life organized, among the others, by Europe Direct Torino - Metropolitan City of Turin, the Call 2016 will be introduced and will be given indications on as to prepare a good project avoiding the most common mistakes.
    Besides will be introduced, among the Projects Life of success, also the Project Tyrec4Life, that the Metropolitan City of Turin has concluded recently.
    Free admission is given up to exhaustion of the places and effecting the registration on-line.
    For further information on the program LIFE: http://goo.gl/SnFVEn.





  • Tyres out of use: from the rivers to the ecological asphalts
    A project pilot for the collection and the use of the tires out of use in the realization of road floorings, will be financed with 100.000 dollars by the Government in the United States. Money will be managed by Californian environmental Association Wildcoast to pick up and to grind up to 100.000 tires and to avoid so that they fall in the rivers during the extreme meteorological events and being dragged from the California to Mexico, causing serious environmental damages.
  • Ecological concrete from the tires: the innovation speaks Italian
    An ecological concrete obtained from tires out of service and other waste materials could resolve the problem of one of the industries more highly energive-intensive user: the constructions. The European plan SUS-CON SUS-CON (SUStainable, innovative and energy-efficient CONcrete, based on the integration of all-waste materials), has been coordinated by the Consortium CETMA in Brindisi, that it has carried to the creation of this sustainable concrete, which uses for 100% raw materials.





  • Tyrec4life al traguardo: il 18 settembre la conferenza finale al Castello del Valentino
    Al termine di quattro anni di percorso, Tyrec4life giunge al traguardo. Venerdì 18 settembre, dalle 13.30 alle 17.30 al Castello del Valentino, va in scena la conferenza finale del progetto, intitolata "Pneumatici in polvere. Come gli pneumatici esausti diventano pavimentazioni stradali innovative: opportunità per imprese, ricerca, enti locali, territorio". Lo speciale della Città Metropolitana di Torino è dedicato al Progetto.







  • The European Project Tyrec4Life: an article pubblished on "Strade e autostrade"
    On the issue n° 111 (May/June 2015) of the magazine "Strade e autostrade", an article written by Professor Santagata e Zanetti (Polytechnic of Turin) and by Architect Agata Fortunato (Metropolitan City of Turin) regarding the project Tyrec4Life and focused on the implementation of the technologies concerning the use of the tires out of use in the road construction. Particular attention has been reserved to the sustainable solutions from technical, economic and environmental point of view. Thanks to EDI-CEM Srl - Rivista "Strade & Autostrade".



  • The separate collection of Tires Out of Use in Italy: 100% have been destined to the recovery.
    The first Report on the activities of the Committee of Management of the Tires Out Use (PFU) describes the results that have been obtained only two years after the start of the System: with about 20.000 tons of collected PFU, the whole peninsula has been served in a capillary way and with punctuality.
  • Ecological asphalt from the micro algae: the first results of the project Algoroute
    In France the asphalt has been produced beginning from the residues of the cultivations of algae. Even if its chemical composition is completely different from that of the traditional asphalt it has some similar characteristics. This asphalt can be used to dress again united mineral, to assure the cohesion of the granular structure and to sustain important loads mechanics. The specific tests respect to the behavior of the material in the time, the economic convenience and the costs in the production on it climbs wide they are in progress now.
  • The ecological and indestructible soccer field
    The ecological and indestructible soccer field, that wich doesn't become a marsh when it rains and doesn't dried when is not watered, exists. It is also highly ecological, because made using recycled tires.The idea has come to Ecopneus, the consortile society not-for-profit whose associates are the producers and the importers of tires, that every year collects and starts to the recycling more than 240 thousand tons of used rubbers from old cars.
  • Rapolano (SI): Ecopneus has started the pick-up of old refusal tires,wich for a long time were stocked in the so-called 'Hill of the shame'.
    21 April 2015: Ecopneus (the most important Italian Society dedicated to the management of the Tires Out of service) has started in the site of Rapolano (Siena) the collecting of old refusal tires. This site, where in the last ten years were abandoned approximately 2.700 tons of tires out of service, is called the "The hill of the shame". Thanks to a corrected recovery of the tires out of service would be possible to realize beyond 68 km of sure, sound deadening and long-lasting roads, or 24 synthetic soccer fields of last generation. Probably the operations will be concluded within the summer.








The archive of EVENTS AND NEWS until 31 December 2014 is available on the page of the Provincia di Torino.


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