Risorse energetiche

Documentation for the tender

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Tender for the selection of an Energy Service Company (ESCO) for the energy refurbishment and management of the public lightning in the Municipalities of Azeglio, Baldissero, Bibiana, Bussoleno, Pecetto Torinese and Rivalta Torinese (Metropolitan City of Torino area).

The tender has been published in the section Appalti e Contratti. The documentation with all the annexes can be downloaded there. Follows here the form (in excel format) to be used for the presentation of the offer, as well as further technical documentation accompanying the same (only in Italian):

In order to ensure the full knowledge of the state of the places and contexts for the preparation of the offer, competitors are obliged to proceed with an inspection in relation to all the municipalities and on installations of public lighting concerned in this procedure.

The request of inspection has to be sent via PEC to all municipalities, to the attention of the respective contact, within the 3rd of February 2017, as the table below, and also to the following mail of the Metropolitan City of Turin: 2020together@cittametropolitana.torino.it

Municipality PEC Contact Phone number
Azeglio  protocollo.azeglio@cert.ruparpiemonte.it  Claudia Barberis 0125 72106
Baldissero T.se  anagrafe.baldissero.torinese@cert.ruparpiemonte.it  Claudio Sommacal 011 9408008 (select 4)
Bibiana  postacert@pec.comunebibiana.it  Fabrizio Cogno 0121 559180
Bussoleno  bussoleno@postemailcertificata.it  Luca Vottero 0122 49002
Pecetto T.se  info@pec.comune.pecetto.to.it  Gianluca Gaeta 011 8609218
Rivalta T.se  protocollo.rivalta@cert.legalmail.it  Giovanni Ruffinatto 011 9045581