Segnalazioni e reclami

Suggestions, proposals, complaints

Italian Version

The Città metropolitana di Torino listens to you.

If you like to make suggestions to improve our services, or to indicate a malfunction, or to claim because your rights haven't been respected, you can leave a message using this form.
To indicate urgently an inefficiency, please contact the Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico using our free telephone number 800 300 360 (from monday to thursday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.).

If you like to receive an answer, please leave down here your personal informations, so we can contact you later. Your data will be treated as indicated in the privacy policy (only italian version).

Fields marked with the asterisk (*) are required.

Thanks.Your collaboration will be useful to improve our services. We inform you that the Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico will send your message to the competent office. As soon as possible (and however in 30 days), we will contact you to the address you left up here to inform you about the closing answer of your request.

Read the extract of the Regulation

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