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The Avogadro family is notoriously scattered in many collateral branches. The Library contains in its collections many testimonies of the important Piedmontese noble family. The branch of Quaregna and Cerreto is witnessed by 59 archival units. To this must be added the Avogadro Archive of Collobiano, which also contains the Nazari Archive of Novara; in addition, a small collection of 2 archival units present within the wide Freylino Fund, concerns the Avogadro of Pino. Individual documents, mostly letters, are present in the collections Giulio (Avogadro della Motta, Casanova, Quaregna and Cerreto), Carron di San Tommaso (Amedeo Avogadro and Avogadro di Collobiano), Raccolta Manno (Avogadro di Valdengo, Avogadro di Collobiano, Avogadro di Quaregna), Archivio Carlo Giuseppe Filippa di Martiniana (Giuseppe Luigi Avogadro), Famiglie e Paesi for A and B (Avogadro di Valdengo), Raccolta Claretta (Avogadro di Cerrione, Gadavoro di Casanova). A branch of the large Avogadro family took its name from the fief of Quaregna, which was joined by that of Cerreto. The family then divided into three lines: the counts of Cerreto and Quaregna, the lords of Cerreto and Quaregna, the lords of Ronco. To the comital branch belonged the physicist Amedeo Avogadro (1776-1856) son of Filippo and Anna Maria Vercellone. The Library purchased the Avogadro Archive of Quaregna and Cerreto, on an unknown date from the antiquarian Renzo Rizzi bookshop in Milan, along with the sales inventory, it was also used as a topographical inventory for the physical disposal of documents in the Library. The archive collects, in original or vintage copies, documents from 1447 (appointment to Podestà di Quaregna of the noble Giacomo di Riccardo, notary Agostino Avogadro) until 1797. It’s a small part of the largest family archive, unfortunately lost, and integrates the other fragments now present in the Historical Archives of the city of Biella and the State Archives of Vercelli.
- Archive Inventory (pdf 7.1 MB)