Historical Library


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The realization of the project of a National Library Service has undoubtedly been the most innovative initiative in the field of public libraries in recent years. It has allowed rapid access to the bibliographical heritage owned by Italian libraries and has transformed the library from a conservation organization of its collections to an information center, relating not only to own owned but also to that of many other libraries.

The Library of History and Culture of Piedmont, affiliated with the Piedmont Region for many years, has been involved in the work of filing in SBN since the end of 1988. As for the management of subjects, the Library has its own sub-library subdivided by "characters", "places", and "subjects", but can recover and recover from the SBN system different subjects of the subject of Florence, as compatible and insertable in their own soggettario.

A computer shall be installed in the reading room to enable readers to query the catalogue or the OPCW directly from the computer program.

Connected with the Index, (practically the entire SBN network), researchers and scholars have at their disposal hundreds of thousands of titles of works owned by various Italian libraries; these are mostly titles of book material published from the year 1831 to today, that is, publications considered editorially modern.