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200,000 volumes and brochures; 11 incunabula ; 350 editions of the Sixteenth Century; 150 manuscripts; 254 musical scores; 1,200 dissertations; 2,273 periodicals, one hundred of which are current; 347 maps; 482 prints; 375 units of graphic design; 1,000 photographs; 50 archival collections; 11 special bibliographical collections.
Special sections:
Topographical (volume); author; subject
Special catalogues:
Periodicals; incunabula and cinquecentine, manuscripts; Piedmontese publishing; thesis; maps; prints; graphic arts; musical scores; photographs; theatrical archive.
Bare of bibliographical material:
Significant periodicals for the history and culture of Piedmont.
Rules of cataloguing:
Indexing system for subjects:
Collective catalogues:
The library participates in the National Census of Italian editions of the sixteenth century; the National Collective Archives of periodicals; the Catalogue of periodicals of Piedmontese libraries; the Catalogue of Italian books of the nineteenth century (CLIO).