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Archivio Caluso, documenti del periodo francese, 1801-1803

The fragmented acts concern the Community of Caluso; they were divided into the fifteen categories, series and dossiers, arranged by ministerial circular of 1st March 1897, being maps concerning a municipality, therefore susceptible to such placement and inventory.
The material has therefore been distributed, according to the requirements of its respective content, in the following categories:
I - administration;
II - charitable works;
V - finances;
VI - government;
VII - grace and justice;
VIII - lever and troop.
In the first category, among the many of routine, emerge the thirty-three letters written between 1801 and 1803 by the Sub-prefect of Chivasso al Maire of Caluso, certainly not without interest for the knowledge of the French occupation of our lands.
Important not only for the history of the hospital of Caluso, but of Piedmont, is the volume relating to the local Congregation of Charity, with the ordained (deliberations) dated 1720 - 1773, preceded by the act of institution of the Congregation of Charity itself (1720, November 12). They are 383 ordained who in fifty years provide a rich study material for a wider knowledge of the history of local and Piedmontese hospital care (category II). Noteworthy in category V are the papers (1775 - 1778), contained in volume concerning the leases of the municipal gerbids and the summoned for the formation of the irrigation ditch or bealera that crosses and skirts the territories of Caluso and Barone.
Apart from the Chamber Posters dated 1818-1823, abundant in the not only municipal archives, the petitions for local administrative matters (1814 - 1840) addressed by many inhabitants of Caluso to the Intendant of Ivrea (category VI) are to be noted.
Little material concerning the seventh category represented by two exposed to the Court of Caluso. The Roles of the Militia of Caluso (1794 - 1795) illustrate the conscription system in use in the late eighteenth century with lists of local conscripts, soldiers and officers of the Companies of Caluso (category VIII). Taken together, despite the many gaps, the acts ordered and inventoried here constitute a valuable collection that sheds no little light on the various administrative branches of an important Piedmontese Municipality, therefore worthy of attention by local scholars who can find documents suitable to illustrate particular aspects of the ancient oppidum of Caluso.

Edited by Aldo di Ricaldone.