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About fifty ancient books, published between 1772 and 1933, donated by the Collegnesi sisters Alda and Graziella Viglione to the library "Giuseppe Grosso", constitute the collection "Lucia Bersezio Viglione". The volumes come from the maternal family branch Bersezio, and more precisely from Don Giovanni Bersezio, who died in 1949, parish priest for about 40 years in Fontane di Frabosa, in the province of Cuneo. "Don Giovanni Bersezio was paternal uncle of our mother Lucia Bersezio Viglione" explain Alda and Graziella Viglione, "and it is precisely to our mother that we would like to dedicate this donation of books".
The collection includes the three books of Cicero's philosophical treatise De officiis (lat., On duties) in the 1780 edition, Augustae Taurinorum ex Typographia Regia and another Eighteenth Century text, the Nuova Guida de' Forestieri, Naples, at the expense of Saverio Roffi Rio 1772. Present books of the '800, including the three volumes of the Commedia di Dante Alighieri, printed in 1869 in Milan by Francesco Pagnoni Tipografo Editore, and the text P. Virgilii Maronis Opera, Augustae Taurinorum ex Officina Regia, published in 1850. In 1875 the complete works of Silvio Pellico, Naples Stabilimento Tipografico del Guttemberg, and in 1876 the Don Chisciotte della Mancia, published in Milan by Sonzogno.
- Inventory (pdf 173 KB)