Information offices in some municipalities of your region.
In order to facilitate access to information at a local level and to increase the visibility of the municipal activity on the Piedmontese territory, the Europe Direct Centre of Turin provides for the opening of some EU info points called "Antenne europa", located in some municipalities of the provincial area (public relations offices, info point for young people, libraries..).
"Antenna Europa" aims to multiply the capability of providing information services about EU and, along with the constant link with the central help desk of Turin, they guarantee citizens a proper reception and a prompt service at a local level, both for basic questions and for any request on specific thematic topics. Antenna Europa is also a decentralised point in which publications issued by the European Commission are distributed. They also organise informative initiatives aiming to raise awareness at a local level and provide citizens with the opportunity to give feedback about European institutions and to make their voices heard.
Following up the interest shown by a local Administrator of the region, more info points might be opened.
Find the closest Antenna on the map: (italian version page)
Tel. +39 011 8616430- 6431